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学者 / 科技与卫生学院 / 计算机科学-软件开发


电脑、平板电脑和智能手机在当今世界扮演着越来越重要的角色. 这就是为什么有才华的软件开发人员, 谁有很强的技术和解决问题的能力, 需求量这么大吗. 在博彩平台推荐的软件开发项目中, you’ll gain the programming and development skills to create web and mobile-based applications that meet the needs of business and a technology-oriented society. 你将加入一个充满活力的行业. 你会享受一份充实的职业.


The BS in Computer Science with a concentration in Software Development major is designed for students who wish to work with computer science and technology in all facets of an 组织. 课程包括商业的计算机科学核心, 硬件和软件, 在强调编程的同时, 数据库, 以及网络和移动应用程序开发.

In the program you’ll learn to analyze a wide variety of problems in industry and develop real-world applications, 从头开始. You’ll be able to explain and illustrate the reasons for the modeling and design of computer-based systems and interpret and apply object-oriented programming language.

课程将为你准备一系列的认证, 哪些可以证明你对行业标准的了解. Students will be prepared to take up to 20 industry certifications – ranging from c#编程, 到AWS云, to 项目管理注册助理(CAPM) – partnered with a degree in computer science, 会给你在找工作时带来明显的竞争优势吗.

  • 博彩平台推荐是思科认证学院, allowing you to gain real-world hands-on experience with equipment and hardware that is utilized in the industry.
  • 与具有多年行业领导和经验的教授一起学习.
  • Work in an advanced computer science lab with the most up-to-date software environments and equipment.
  • 你将完成一项规定的专业实习, 在这个领域实习的机会也很多.
  • The TU 商学院 is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP).

这是一个将为你在IT世界的各个方面做好准备的项目. 您将与具有多年IT经验的知识渊博的教授一起学习. 了解行业的课程将为你获得行业认证做好准备, 课程中有哪些内容. 和, 随着计算机和软件开发的概念, 你会学到基本的沟通技巧, 组织, critical thinking and teamwork – soft skills that are critical to the success of any IT professional.

  • 行业认证是建立在课程的工作,你将准备:
    • Excel
    • 微软客户端
    • 网络+
    • 安全+
    • 项目管理注册助理(CAPM)
    • 软件测试认证助理(CAST)或软件质量认证助理
    • HTML5应用程序开发基础
    • Python编程入门
    • 访问专家
    • c#编程
    • +认证
    • Server+/Microsoft Server 2016
    • Linux+或RedHat认证
    • ICDN1
    • ICDN2
    • 云+ /微软云
    • 思科CCNA
    • Linux +
    • AWS云
  • 蒂芬是亚马逊网络服务学院的一员, enabling us to provide a cloud-computing curriculum that prepares you to pursue industry-recognized certifications and in-demand cloud jobs.
  • 博彩平台推荐是认证授权考试中心和Pearson Vue考试中心, 使您能够在校园内参加大部分认证考试.

在软件开发程序中, 你会在实践中学习, 当您将编程和开发概念与实践相结合时. Most of our classes are hands-on, where you’ll actively work on projects based on in-class learning. 您将使用与行业中使用的相同的设备和软件. You’ll participate in a 150-hour professional internship, gaining valuable industry experience. 通过实地考察,你将亲眼看到这个行业的工作情况. 和, you’ll hear from accomplished IT professionals, who visit our campus to speak on current topics.

  • 在软件开发课程中, 你将参与基于项目的学习, 使用真实的设备和软件.
  • 在你倒数第二节课程中, CST460计算机科学研究, 整个学期你将专注于一个项目, 涵盖所有领域的课程,并将知识付诸实践.
  • 在最后的过程中, CST470实习, you’ll work professionally within an 组织 for a minimum of 150 hours gaining practical experience and learning what life is like working in the industry.
  • Hands-on IT projects working with the local community are at times incorporated into course work.
  • Clubs and 组织s – such as the Tiffin University ACM (Association of Computing Machinery) Student Chapter, 或者我们称之为技术俱乐部——提供对现实世界学习的见解.


  • MKT151入门营销
  • CST155操作系统简介
  • ACC210财务会计
  • MGT201组织管理
  • CST201编程入门
  • 法律211商业法
  • 微观经济学原理
  • CST230网络基础
  • CDS244网络安全
  • 数据库1
  • CST285电子表格和分析
  • FIN301企业财务
  • CST412 IT项目管理
  • CST460计算机科学研究
  • CST470实习
  • MGT495组织战略

总计 = 48小时

  • CST212系统分析与设计
  • CST255互联网和网站开发
  • CST301高级编程概念
  • 面向管理人员的信息系统
  • 数据库II
  • CST450应用程序开发编程

总计 = 18个小时

总BS小时= 127-135

这是一个示例课程序列来说明本专业的课程设置. 有关详细的注册和咨询信息,请咨询官方学术公报.


网络基础(CST230) -本课程提供网络硬件的概述, 操作系统, 以及专注于设计的应用程序, 组织内部网络环境的实施和管理.

网络安全(CDS244) – Information systems need to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information. 本课程探讨了保护信息免受未经授权的访问, 中断, 修改, 以及科技带来的破坏, 物理, 还有社会媒介.

高级编程概念(CST301) -本课程涉及开发应用程序的技术. 它涵盖了数据库设计的原则,以及使用数据库软件建立数据库模型. Organizational data modeling and designing normalized 数据库 structures is strongly emphasized. Managerial issues associated with 数据库 administration are covered along with an introduction to distributed 数据库 concepts in a client-server environment. 本课程将向学生介绍结构化查询语言(SQL)。.

数据库II (CST280) – This course expands the student’s understanding of the fundamentals introduced in Database I (CST 280) by emphasizing the application of 数据库s to 组织al management. 数据库管理系统(DBMS), Database administration (DBA) and continues with the exploration of a data manipulation languages such as Structured Query Language (SQL). Students will learn how to connect a 数据库 to a program coded with a programming language and experiment with the program communicating with the 数据库. This course will qualify a student to sit for the Microsoft Access 730 Expert certification exam through the Microsoft Corporation to obtain a Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification and several SQL server exams offered by Microsoft to obtain a Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA) certification.

应用程序开发编程(CST450) -本课程探讨最新的编程方法, 特别是现在使用的最新的编程语言. 所使用的开发环境和编程语言由讲师选择. The purpose is to give the student experience in another programming language different from the beginning course work. The level of programming for the student will be driven to where they can design complicated and sophisticated software using advance coding. Projects will include bridging between basic computer concepts identified in previous course work and designing standard & 移动应用程序. This course will qualify a student to sit for several certifications’ exams depending on the language utilized. Certifications could include the Microsoft 70-483 c#编程 or the Microsoft 98-338 Introduction to Programming using JAVA certification exam through the Microsoft Corporation to obtain a Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) certification or other comparable certification.


在校园 -提供为期15周的学期形式,开始日期为1月和8月

在线 -每学期两学期,分别于1月、3月、5月、7月、8月和10月开设



由于申请的数量, 针对最新技术开发的移动应用程序和软件, 预计对软件开发人员的需求将显著增加. 根据美国劳工统计局的数据, 从2016年到2026年,软件开发人员的就业预计将增长24%, 哪个比所有职业的平均水平快得多.

  • 计算机程序员
  • 电脑支援专员
  • 数据库管理员
  • 数据业务流程分析师
  • DCA工程师
  • 硬件和网络专员
  • 信息系统经理
  • IT支持专员
  • 程序员分析师
  • 软件开发人员
  • 系统分析师
  • 系统软件开发人员
  • 技术支持专员
  • Web开发人员
  • 克利夫兰诊所
  • 计算机科学公司
  • 库珀轮胎 & 橡胶
  • 第一能源
  • 通用电气(General Electric)
  • 惠普企业
  • IBM
  • 杰姆网络咨询有限责任公司
  • 克罗格
  • 马拉松石油公司
  • 塞内卡计算机中心
  • 东芝业务解决方案
  • Vodofone
  • 沃尔玛公司.
  • 韦伯斯特的行业





“The on-campus events and activities that are offered have made it easy to learn about a number of different topics. I also believe because of the diverse population here at TU it allows me to gain a broader perspective of different cultures and customs that I have not encountered before.”

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